
Merit is not an easy concept for Westerners to understand. In one way, however, it is simple.

When you act with compassion, free from anger, that is merit.

When you make a gift freely, or cultivate peace within yourself, or for others, that is merit.

When you care for another; showing your love, helping them heal, that is merit.

When you devote your efforts to transforming the suffering of the world, the pollution of the planet, and the inner toxicity that plagues us all, you are manifesting the power of merit.

Whatever you do out of goodness is a manifestation of merit. 

Challenging Journey, Creative Journey

Finding silence

To understand who we are and what we are doing, we must understand the meaning of silence.

Within silence there is a balance – mind and body become transparent, and we discover who we really are.

When everything becomes simplified through silence all the tangles of our inner knots and problems gradually dissolve.

True silence comes from within.

It is not merely the absence of speech: it is pure, naturalness – absolutely calm, without fixation, without preparation.

Nothing is required except, simply to be.

Revelation of Mind

The language of the heart

The language of the heart is compelling and has meaning for all human beings.

It penetrates beneath the waves of self-deception, emotionality, and sentimentality to real depth of feeling.

It depends not on words and concepts, but on genuine sensitivity to universal needs and values. 

Knowledge of Freedom 

To learn from experience

Yet very few individuals use their life experiences in such an empowering and energizing ways.

Focusing on the future or sorting through memories of the past-planning, worrying, imagining what may or may not come about and speculating upon how best to respond to endless “what if’s”-our minds are far away from the immediacy of the present.

We tend not to notice what our eyes are seeing, our ears hearing, and our bodies sensing, or even what is going on in our minds.

Of all that we do every day, we remember very little, and the quality of our experience is dulled by mind’s lack of attentiveness.

In this situation, it can be difficult to enjoy the full measure of our life experiences, and even more difficult to learn from them.

This is deeply unfortunate, since the ability to learn from experience is among the most precious benefits life offers. 

Introduction to Revelations of Mind 

Beyond the clouds of self-doubt

Thoughts and feelings that arise in this openness lack all power to disturb us.

They reveal their illusory nature – light, transparent, they arise and dissipate in flowing, dream like rhythms.

Beyond the clouds of self-doubt and uncertainty, we can see brilliant stars and cooling moons, beautiful sunrises and bright shining sky that fills body and mind with confidence and joy.

The senses dance in celebration and beauty flows freely through our being.

Free from the tyranny of thought, we can reconnect with our sacred center and experience the sky-like quality of mind.

New Dimensions of Freedom

4th July

A feeling of love

Deepening our understanding of existence opens the door to compassion.  

Developing awareness of the pain and ignorance which we, as well as all others, experience stimulates sympathy then empathy.  

This developing concern for others inspires a feeling of love; a love that loses its connections to our concepts and senses, a love that is without subject or object….

Creative Journey

Good businessmen

People say that business is based on greed, but that doesn’t mean it’s somehow beneath us.

All of samsara is based on greed, hatred and confusion, but still we need to be able to function effectively within samsara.

We need to be good businessmen, with solid, practical minds.

When a businessman has every penny tied up in a project, he works from the gut.

That’s how we need to be.

At the same time, we need to see every detail, to have cosmic vision, like the Bodhisattvas.

Develop an awareness of time: make plans every day to see what you will accomplish; then look back to see what was actually done.

Don’t let your mind be distracted.

Copper Mountain Mandala